
Organization and moderating events

A business event is one of the most effective ways of promoting your company. At the same time, it also contributes to excellent relations with clients, business partners, the media, employees and other publics. With more than a decade of experience in the field of organizing events, including on the highest, state level, and moderating various kinds of events, together with my team of associates I will ensure faultless organization of your business anniversaries, news conferences, meetings with business partners or the presentation of new products or services. We will advise you on the preparation and implementation of conceptual plans of events and original scenarios for them, on the content and design of all printed materials connected with the event, production of a presentation video and effective media promotion of the event.

Nina Orel
Ministrstvo za kulturo RS
podelitev Prešernovih nagrad
Nina Orel
Gimnastična zveza Slovenije
50. obletnica
Nina Orel
Ministrstvo za kulturo RS
sprejem Prešernovih nagrajencev
Nina Orel
Medicinski center Estetika Medartis
1. obletnica
Nina Orel
Ministrstvo za kulturo RS
podelitev Prešernovih nagrad
Nina Orel
Škrabčeva domačija
intervju z Brankom Djurićem - Djurom
Nina Orel
Škrabčeva domačija
intervju z Mišo Molk
Nina Orel
Atelje Galerija Slavojka Akrapovič
sejem Antika in likovna umetnost
Nina Orel
Škrabčeva domačija
intervju s Katarino Čas in Janom Cvitkovičem
Nina Orel
Medicinski center Estetika Medartis
1. obletnica
Nina Orel
Gimnastična zveza Slovenije
50. obletnica
Nina Orel
Ministrstvo za kulturo RS
podelitev Prešernovih nagrad
Nina Orel
Ministrstvo za kulturo RS
podelitev Prešernovih nagrad
Nina Orel
Medicinski center Estetika Medartis
1. obletnica
Nina Orel
Ministrstvo za kulturo RS
podelitev Prešernovih nagrad
Nina Orel
Riko - Škrabčeva domačija
intervju s prof. dr. Vesno Vuk Godina
Nina Orel
PANTHEON konferenca
Nina Orel
Ministrstvo za kulturo RS
podelitev Prešernovih nagrad